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National Development and Reform Commission on Improving Solar PV electricity price policy, notice  [Back]
Author:  Date:2011-8-23  Hits:

Provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities Development and Reform Commission, Price Bureau:

     In order to regulate the price of solar photovoltaic power generation management, to promote solar PV industry, health and sustainable development, decided to improve the price of solar photovoltaic power generation policy. Notice of the matter is as follows:
     First, develop a unified national benchmark for solar photovoltaic electricity price. According to the average social capital and operating costs, the reference price of solar photovoltaic power plant tender, and China's solar energy resources, non-tender the project to implement solar photovoltaic electricity price benchmark for national unity.
     (A) July 1, 2011 previously approved by the building, December 31, 2011 put into operation, our commission has not approved the price of solar photovoltaic power generation projects, approved unified electricity price 1.15 yuan per kilowatt-hour (including tax, under the same).
     (B) July 1, 2011 and later approved by the solar photovoltaic projects, and July 1, 2011 but prior to approval at December 31, 2011 has not yet been put into the solar photovoltaic projects, with the exception of Tibet is still implementation of 1.15 yuan per kilowatt-hour tariff, the other provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities), electricity price according to the implementation of one yuan per kWh. In the future, I appointed will be based on changes in investment costs, technological advances and other factors adjust.
     Second, through the concession tender to determine the owners of solar PV projects, the electricity price at bid price performance, the bid price shall not be higher than the benchmark price of solar photovoltaic power generation.
     Third, central government capital subsidy on the enjoyment of the solar photovoltaic project, its Internet capacity in local desulfurized coal-tariff implementation.
     Fourth, the solar photovoltaic project electricity price is higher than the local desulfurized coal-part tariff, based upon the "renewable energy prices and cost-sharing Administrative Measures" (NDRC Price [2006] 7) the requirements imposed by the country's renewable energy tariff additional solutions.


National Development and Reform Commission

July 24, 2011

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