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Third-generation photovoltaic technology  [Back]
Author:  Date:2011-6-28  Hits:

Hezuoxiu Academy: The third generation of photovoltaic technology to understand, we must first understand what is the first generation of photovoltaic technology, what is the second generation of photovoltaic technology. Simply put, the first generation of photovoltaic technology, is to produce crystalline silicon solar cells as the core technology, crystalline silicon there are two types, one is silicon, one is polysilicon. Second-generation photovoltaic technology is a wide variety of thin-film battery, it has the advantage of using less material. The use of less material and therefore cheap. Currently, the first and second generation in the market battle was very intense, some say the first generation of good, some say the second generation is good, but the general said, we still optimistic about the second generation, because less material is still the low cost . Now, a third-generation photovoltaic technology, which refers to the solar silicon refining, plus tracking, coupled with condenser, coupled with high efficiency concentrator silicon cells. State Ministry that both the first-generation technology, or second-generation technology, from high-purity silicon refined to form the photovoltaic production, many areas have a high energy consumption, high pollution. We recommend the third generation of photovoltaic technology, is completely "green power generation technology."

Third-generation photovoltaic technology is very important that green technology is based on the core technology of solar silicon refining. The traditional production technology of Siemens method has been criticized because of high energy consumption, high pollution, solar silicon refining is characterized by the use of solar energy, not using electricity, although energy consumption is high, but the consumption of fossil energy but not solar energy, from in this sense, the third generation of photovoltaic technology, the pollution caused by the basic zero. In addition, third-generation photovoltaic technology also has high efficiency, low cost, long life, good value for money and so on.

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