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Sunbelt 阳光地带  [Back]
Author:  Date:2011-7-12  Hits:

Sunbelt: refers to the latitude of 35 degrees at the equator north and south between the countries and regions of PV potential. The exclusion of political instability outside the country, involving 66 countries and regions.
The current state of the area of photovoltaic power generation accounted for only the world's photovoltaic power generation capacity by 9%. PV construction and development potential.

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Address: Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, Mayfair Road, Dalang Town, 812-826   
Tel: +86-769-83031051   Contact: MR Zhao  
SenQuan solar PV provide solar stainless steel lawn light, home solar power, household solar photovoltaic generators, home solar power system, mobile portable solar power systems, an island / mountain scenery, small household solar power, wind hybrid power systems technical support.