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"Desert industry plan of action" (DII) project  [Back]
Author:  Date:2011-7-12  Hits:

"Desert industry plan of action" (DII) project is funded by 12 companies, including Germany's biggest engineering and energy company and the world's largest reinsurance company Munich Re.

The project to 2050 or earlier, through the cable across the Sahara and the Mediterranean, Europe provides 15% of generating capacity. Participants believe that, by 2015, they will be able to sub-solar energy used in Europe.

The plan is mainly focused on the use of solar technology (also known as solar thermal power technology), which uses mirrors to focus sunlight on a liquid container, the heated liquid will drive turbines to generate electricity.

     Concentrated solar power technology is not new, but the "desert industry action plan" to use high voltage direct current cable, spanning from North Africa to Europe's vast distances, up to $ 400 billion cost of the project on an unprecedented scale.

     "Desert Industry Action Plan" from the public since July has been the Middle East, North Africa and many European political institutions and government agencies for their support.

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SenQuan solar PV provide wind hybrid power systems, household solar photovoltaic generators, small household solar power technical support.