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Household solar grid power or will become the hotspot of the domestic solar market  [Back]
Author:Mr Zhao  Date:2013-3-27  Hits:
Since October 26, 2012 CCTV "News Network" broadcast the news of the family in Shandong Dezhou Solar Grid, has aroused the concern of many consumers. Have been a number of provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions, and continue with our telephone consultation solar home grid participatory approaches.
Recently, CCTV "News Network" program reported that Tianjin has been open to private solar grid market. This message again played a positive role in promoting the universal application of domestic solar home.
Home solar power generation applications it is encouraged by the state distributed solar grid implementation details of the policy of. So-called distributed solar and grid user side and the grid has the same meaning users are using solar power grid and national grid connected solar electricity generated to meet the user's own needs while the excess electricity fed into the local power grid, the local electrical company in accordance with the acquisition of certain tariff acquisition criteria. Home users can not only reduce the cost of electricity, and can even sell electricity earnings.
Solar photovoltaic applications in China has just started, the family application is yet to promote the field of solar. Although the concept of solar power has long been popular, the residents want to use very much. In recent years, the company SenQuan provides a lack of electricity users in the region for some domestic solar power systems and wind and solar power generation system, but, in view of the cost of solar power is still higher than the cost of thermal power generation, or hinder the enthusiasm that many residents use solar power.
With private solar power can sell electricity to the continuous implementation of the policy of the national grid, over the Internet to sell the electricity market opened up to the private solar will make more home users who want to use solar photovoltaic desire to use new energy. Even better economic conditions of the residents desire to generate investment in building a small home solar power plants sell electricity income generation.
Home solar grid will greatly promote the rise of the domestic PV market, to achieve a breakthrough in the field of residential solar applications, popularization of low-carbon energy, promote the country's new energy strategy to the wider application of the depth of field development.
Author:Mr. Tango Zhao (Dongguan City SenQuan Photovoltaic Co., Ltd.)
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SenQuan solar PV provide solar photovoltaic generator, small household solar power relevant industry news.